Semi-Exclusive Bonus Apps
All Of These Bonuses Are Custom Created, Proprietary Software By Us. They Are NOT PLRs. You May Use All Of The Listed Bonuses From The Collection Below To Use As Bonuses In The Promotions That You Do For Our Software.
You Are Authorised To Give These Bonuses Away Only On Our Launches, And Not On Any Other Launch Or Product. These Bonuses Are Semi Exclusive And May Be Used By Other People Too, But As We Have A Lot Of Options, There Will Be Low Overlap.
Bonus 1
Website Creation Graphics In a Box
Inside this box, you will find flyers, business cards, logos and a lot more to help you truly stand out from the competition.
Bonus 2
DFY Copywriting Template
10 done-for-you templates that you can use and simply fill-in-the-blank to create landing pages, sales pages, headlines that catch attention like crazy as well as craft highly-persuasive emails that work like magic.
Bonus 3
100 Logos
Get 100 Done-For-You logo templates that you can use for your business or for your clients. Each comes with complete resell and commercial rights
Bonus 4
VideoSauce -
VideoSauce is a groundbreaking app, tapping into the red-hot video market and offering a truly innovative product that your customers will not have seen before, and will love. VideoSauce creates stunning special offer campaigns with full video integration, including animated backgrounds, timers, redirects, retargeting, wysiwg edting, and more.
Bonus 5
Instant Sales Booster
Always adding new content to newly generated pages on your website (automatically), encourages search engine spiders to crawl your web pages more often and improve your web page listings/rankings. This in turn translates to increased traffic potential. Increased traffic has other side benefits like boosting sales through your shopping cart.